10. You’ve run out of cousins to bring as dates anyway.
9. Everyone’s canceling so now you’re trendy. In fact, you’re even superior to those insensitive celebratory types.
8. No more painful spike heels. And no more worries about Kyle from the mail room swiping said heels when you abandon them under your seat.
7. You don’t have to go back to your cube mate who now knows how you really feel about his motivational posters.
6. You have another year before your girlfriend finds out you’re not really Vice President of anything besides the copy machine.
5. No chance of food poisoning from overripe Ranch dressing this year.
4. You won’t feel the pain of the $75 comic.
3. No wandering around country roads looking for your boss’s Elk’s Club.
2. You won’t have to break up any fights between the "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holiday" fanatics.
And the number one reason to celebrate the cancellation of the Christmas party:
1. At home, you never run out of drink tickets.