A personal loan is very useful at times when you intend to make a major purchase or at times when unexpected expenses come up. But not all personal loans are the same, nor are the companies that offer them. You can save a lot of money by taking time to compare one personal loan from the other, and making sure that you choose the best deal available. Below are some of the most important things to consider when planning to get a personal loan.
Interest Rates
It is important to compare loan rates before filling out an application with a loan provider. You can find all the information you need from the web or you can give each agency a call to ask for a quote. Visit the loan rate comparison sites to determine which has the best to offer. Loans are usually assessed based on their APR, which includes the interest rate and other charges that the debtor will have to pay for. Promotional offers should not set your hopes too high. They are not often exactly what you can expect to get but if you have good credit history, it should not be an issue. Also the bank offers better deals to those who own their properties, so make sure not to miss this portion in the application form.
Repayment Term
You should know how much time you are given to pay the personal loan off. The longer the term, the lower the monthly due, but it does not necessarily make it a better option. By prolonging the term, the loan becomes more expensive because you will be paying interest for a longer period of time. Also, before you agree on a specific payment term, review your finances first. List down your monthly expenses, and decide on how much you can allot for the loan repayment.  You dont have to push for a higher repayment, especially if you have other debts to pay.
Loan Types
There are basically two types of personal loans secured and unsecured. The first requires you to use a property of value as collateral such as your home, car, or major appliance. Secured loans are most applicable if you should need about 25,000 or more. The other advantage is that, secured loans have lower interest rates. However, you run the risk of losing your property should you default in payments, which is something you wont have to worry about with unsecured personal loans. Unsecured loans make a good alternative if you have low equity but have monthly cash inflow.
About the Author:
This guest post was brought to you by George. George has worked worked in the finance industry for many years and has written many articles with guides and tips to managing personal finances. Many of his articles can be found on personalloans.com.au.